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==> Meta-eX are no longer performing as a duo.
--> Sam Aaron is now actively developing and performing solo with Sonic Pi.
--> Jonathan Graham has now taken up a new career in software development.
==> Live Coding. Live Synths. Live Music.
Meta-eX was a live coding duo: improvising with code to weave
immutable data structures into ephemeral sounds. As they riffed
with their code, projected live in front of their audience, the
system responded instantly to their whim.
Formed by Sam Aaron and Jonathan Graham, Meta-eX didn't rely on pre-recorded material. They defined, evaluated and manipulated their code live. This gave them an immense level of control and power to perform. From intimate ambient sets to pulsating club nights, Meta-eX opened a new future for live electronic music.
For a detailed overview of their background, approach and philosophy check out our in-depth interview with Imperica.
==> Live Recordings
Whilst our focus is primarily on live performances, we occasionally capture recordings of our live sessions. See our SoundCloud page for a complete list.
==> Live Coding - A New Approach
Armed with programming languages, monomes and number of simple MIDI Kontrollers, we harness the full power of the SuperCollider synthesis engine through the incredible Overtone platform. We don't just use our laptops to tweak GUI sliders and pots, we write raw Clojure code into Emacs live in our performances. We also generate real-time visualisations perfectly synchronised to the sound with Quil and Shadertone. All the code for our sets is open source and available for you to play with: Meta-eX Ignite.
Live Coding allows us to generate music on-the-fly enabling us to change the direction of the sound and respond to our environment at a whim. Our sounds aren't pre-recorded and tweaked on-stage, they're coded and generated live in real time. We produce a real raw noise rather than manufactured industry-polished pseudo-perfection. Our sound isn't hardcore, breakcore or speedcore - it's multi-core and fully hyper-threaded.
==> Interviews, Articles and other Media
The following is a full list of interviews, presentations, articles and broadcasts available online:
- Fractured Vision Media - Emergent Collective Three [Album Track], May 2014
- Imperica - The Music of Code [Text Interview], April 2014
- Golem - Code macht Musik [German Text Article], November 2013
- Golem - Code macht Music [Video Interview], November 2013
- Future Music FM - Numbers Broadcast #36 [Radio Broadcast], May 2013
- Music Tech Fest - Live from MTF 2013 [Video Interview], May 2013
==> Live Performances
In addition to jamming live at least once a week in Cambridge, we also perform live for audiences. Let us know if you'd like us to play live at your event: info@meta-ex.com
Previous Performances:
- Cambridge, UK - Makespace Cambridge, 30th October, 2014
- Cambridge, UK - CB1 Cyber Cafe, 17th October, 2014
- St Louis, USA - FOAM, 20th September, 2014
- St Louis, USA - Strange Loop Party, 17th September, 2014
- Cambridge, UK - Junction Season Launch, 4th September, 2014
- Krakow, Poland - Euro Clojure Afterparty, 26th June, 2014
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands - GOTO Amsterdam Party, 19th June, 2014
- Cambridge, UK - Night Watch, Cambridge Junction, 14th June, 2014
- Norwich, UK - [Live] Art Club, Norwich Arts Centre, 24th May, 2014
- Cambridge, UK - Makespace Cambridge, 12th February, 2014
- Cambridge, UK - Darwin College, 14th January 2014
- Vilnius, Lithuania - Build Stuff, 10th December 2013
- London, UK - Code Mesh, 4th December 2013
- Antwerp, Belgium - Noxx Nightclub - Devoxx Party, 14th November 2013
- Berlin, Germany - c-base, 18th October 2013
- London, UK - London Algorave, 14th September 2013
- Cambridge, UK - Wysing Arts Centre Annual Music Festival, 31st August 2013
- Baldock, UK - The Engine, 17th August 2013
- Kiev, Ukraine - Hotcode, 1st June 2013
- London, UK - MS Stubnitz, 16th May 2013
- Zurich, Switzerland - Zurich Marriott Hotel, April 2013 [Live Recording]
- London, UK - Emacs Conf, March 2013
- London, UK - Russell Hotel, December 2012
- Tampere, Finland - Uusi Tehdas, October 2012
- Prague, Czech Republic - Klub Lavka, October 2012
- Bristol, UK - Arnolfini Art Gallery, July 2012
==> Tech Talks
Despite developing and using some of the most advanced live coding software in the world, we don't keep our tech secret and hidden - we actively promote its use for other budding live coders and music programmers. We give tech talks to audiences of any background - from musicians to programmers to interested algoravers. Contact us if you'd like us to deliver a tech talk at your event: info@meta-ex.com
Previous Tech Talks:
- Antwerp, Belgium - Devoxx, 14th November 2013
- Berlin, Germany - EuroClojure, 15th October 2013
- London, UK - Music Tech Fest, 18th May 2013
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